When Will The Stock Market Crash?
The S&P500 is valued the second highest in US history, so when will the stock market crash? That is the $30T question. While countless financial firms and individuals are attempting to predict what will happen to the stock market and sharing those predictions, we...

Pay Down Debt For Guaranteed ROI
Since the pandemic, every day investors have been investing in the stock market more than ever before. Often times, these investors are gambling more than they are investing. For example, many investors are currently purchasing Tesla shares at a valuation equivalent...

Quantitative Easing: 2008 vs. 2020
Since the Great Recession, Quantitative Easing has become an increasingly popular term amongst investors. However, very few investors actually understand what Quantitative Easing, or QE, actually is. Here at ROT, we believe understanding QE is critical to growing your...

The 60/40 Portfolio is Dead
The world has changed dramatically and the 60/40 portfolio (60% stocks, 40% bonds) simply doesn’t cut it anymore. In fact, we’d argue that bonds are a pretty risky proposition nowadays. Given that the Federal Reserve is doubling down on creating inflation in the...

Top 5 Savings Accounts/No Penalty CD Rates (September 2020)
Since 2008, savings account and Certificate of Deposit (CD) interest rates have been exceptionally low. At peak, in mid 2019, you could find certain online banks offering savings and CD interest rates up to 3%. However, since the pandemic started, savings interest...
Check out the latest ROTI Newsletter.
#8 📈 When Will The Stock Market Crash? 📉
Sep 29, 2020 | Newsletter
When will the stock market crash? That is the $30T question!
Trivia Question: What is the first recorded bubble in history? Scroll to the bottom for the answer.
Check out the latest ROT Newsletter.
#8 📈 When Will The Stock Market Crash? 📉
Sep 29, 2020 | Newsletter
When will the stock market crash? That is the $30T question!
Trivia Question: What is the first recorded bubble in history? Scroll to the bottom for the answer.

Pay Down Debt For Guaranteed ROI
Since the pandemic, every day investors have been investing in the stock market more than ever before. Often times, these investors are gambling more than they are investing. For example, many investors are currently purchasing Tesla shares at a valuation equivalent...

Our Top Finance News Picks (September 23rd-29th 2020)
Every week, we point out a few of our favorite resources/articles/news that actually provide value. SPACs are all the rage the last few months. These blank check companies are seen as the IPO 2.0. Learn how to invest in SPACs. Global...

Our Top Finance News Picks (September 16th-22nd 2020)
Every week, we point out a few of our favorite resources/articles/news that actually provide value. If wages had kept up with inflation the last few decades, the average full time salary in America would be $102,000. Ray Dalio warns the US...

Quantitative Easing: 2008 vs. 2020
Since the Great Recession, Quantitative Easing has become an increasingly popular term amongst investors. However, very few investors actually understand what Quantitative Easing, or QE, actually is. Here at ROT, we believe understanding QE is critical to growing your...

The 60/40 Portfolio is Dead
The world has changed dramatically and the 60/40 portfolio (60% stocks, 40% bonds) simply doesn’t cut it anymore. In fact, we’d argue that bonds are a pretty risky proposition nowadays. Given that the Federal Reserve is doubling down on creating inflation in the...

Top 5 Savings Accounts/No Penalty CD Rates (September 2020)
Since 2008, savings account and Certificate of Deposit (CD) interest rates have been exceptionally low. At peak, in mid 2019, you could find certain online banks offering savings and CD interest rates up to 3%. However, since the pandemic started, savings interest...

Build Wealth With Set & Forget Investing
Many investors are just looking for a way to generate consistent investment returns long term with minimal management to build wealth. Over the last century, the stock market's average annual return is approximately 7% after inflation, even accounting for long...

Grow Your Wealth By Understanding Inflation
One of the open secrets to growing your wealth is understanding inflation. Yet, most people don't really understand it. We know that things were much cheaper a few decades ago, but we don't always grasp how it erodes our purchasing power over time. Let's Define...

Make Your Credit Card Work For You
It’s easy to find yourself in debt nowadays, especially credit card debt. With low interest rates, governments are literally trying to stimulate the economy by stuffing debt down our throats. This way, they can hopefully keep the economy growing long term. But, there...

Our Top Finance News Picks (September 9th-15th 2020)
Every week, we point out a few of our favorite resources/articles/news that actually provide value. How quickly will Manhattan office buildings bounce back? A balanced view on the state of Manhattan’s office buildings. Since COVID19...

3 Stocks For Investing In The Recovery
Tesla Tanks Last week, we analyzed Tesla stock and if you should invest after sharing the data. Our answer was a definite no, but we understand FOMO is hard to overcome (even for ourselves) so we recommended dollar cost averaging for anyone looking to quickly...

The COVID19 US Economic Recovery Continues
The economic recovery is continuing to show solid progress since the COVID19 pandemic started. Let's take a look at the latest improvements and economic news! Unemployment Improves This past Friday, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported the...

Housing During The Pandemic
Economy IS THE PANDEMIC REALLY CHANGING THE WAY WE BUY HOMES? We keep hearing this - the pandemic is shifting home buying from urban to suburban centers. This is (mostly) not true! Zillow recently released a report that shows the housing market has been improving in...

Big Tech Dominates The Stock Market
Markets & Investing Market Overview (8/4-8/11) S&P500 3,333.69 + 1.22% DOW30 27,686.91 + 3.83% NASDAQ 10,782.82 - 1.06% GOLD 1,904.00 - 3.07% Click here if these just look like random letters to you! VALUATIONS MATTER:Valuation is a critical process of...

Economic Data During COVID19 Makes Our Heads Spin
Economy STR8 UP FACTS: Those of us that read finance news regularly were slammed with doom and gloom headlines suggesting that US GDP plunged by 33% in the 2nd quarter. That is scary, but don't listen to the headlines. The real decline in Q2 2020 is 9.5%. That's...
Trending ( & Written By ROT! )
Our Top Finance News Picks (September 23rd-29th 2020)
Every week, we point out a few of our favorite resources/articles/news that actually provide value. SPACs are all the rage the last few months. These blank check companies are seen as the IPO 2.0. Learn how to invest in SPACs. Global...
Government Sponsored Bubbles in 2020
Since the Great Recession, the Federal Reserve has taken drastic measures to stabilize the economy. In response to the Great Recession, the Federal Reserve cut interest rates from a bit over 5% to 0%, conducted a number of large bailouts, kept interest rates at 0% for...
Value Stocks vs. Growth Stocks in 2020
Markets & Investing Market Overview (8/4-8/11) S&P500 3,389.78 + 1.68% DOW30 27,686.91 + 0.33% NASDAQ 10,782.82 + 0.33% GOLD 2,012.00 + 0.33% Click here if these just look like random letters to you! VALUATIONS MATTER: Top 4 US equity market valuation...
6 Factors To Consider When Buying a Home in 2020
Personal Finance SHOULD I BUY A HOME? Buying a home is a highly emotional decision that goes far beyond a typical investment. Really, housing is not an investment. Your home is where you live and everyone needs shelter. But, there is a few ways to think through it if...
7 Ways to Financially Prepare For the COVID19 Recession
Personal Finance If you haven't already buckled down for this recession, it's not too late to start. We live in a tale of two worlds where ~32.1m now jobless Americans are receiving very significant government stimulus along with businesses in a number of ways. So,...
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